Welcome to Caravan Handbooks

CaravanHandbooks.com is a dynamic project focused on digitally gathering and preserving information and documentation for touring caravans, particularly those manufactured by now-defunct companies.

Our online library boasts hundreds of brochures, handbooks, and instruction manuals for all the popular touring caravan brands.

We have documentation spanning from the 1970s to the present day whenever possible.

If you’ve purchased a caravan without a handbook or operational instructions, we might have just what you need.

This extensive project demands a significant amount of time and substantial funding to maintain and expand. Your contributions and donations make it much easier for us to continue building a valuable archive.

Do you have a handbook we’re missing and are willing to share? Click here to contribute.

Caravan Handbooks

In our quest to create a comprehensive resource for caravan owners seeking hard-to-find information and instructions, we are developing the Internet’s largest digital caravan handbook library.

Currently, our collection includes over 100 digital owner’s manuals from both past and present mainstream caravan manufacturers.

Alongside our handbook collection, we also feature an extensive library of instruction manuals, installation guides, and usage directions for various appliances and features within your caravan.

This includes, but is not limited to, ovens and cookers, refrigerators, cassette toilets, heating and water systems, alarm systems, and electrical and gas systems.

We continually expand our library and welcome contributions from our users. If you have materials to add, please use the Submit Content page.

Caravan Brochures & Technical Specifications

We’ve amassed a comprehensive archive of original advertising materials for caravans, some dating back to 1970.

This archive includes touring caravan brochures, technical specifications, and occasionally, the original price lists.

These documents are incredibly useful if you’ve acquired a pre-owned caravan and need detailed information on aspects like weights and dimensions, fitted appliances (makes and models), and sleeping arrangements.

We always welcome new contributions to our brochure directory. If you have something we’re missing, please use the Submit Content page to share it with us.

Support Our Mission

CaravanHandbooks.com is entirely self-funded.

Maintaining our web hosting, support, and maintenance is costly.

Additionally, our team dedicates countless hours to ensure the information we provide is accurate and comprehensive.

To support the ongoing costs of the website, we request a £10 donation when you download a handbook. This contribution helps us continue to expand our archive and serve our users effectively.

Please note, we are not “selling” the handbooks. We do not hold the copyright for these files and therefore accept donations solely for the storage, handling, and delivery of the files to your email inbox.

Many of our documents have been sourced through purchases from auction sites like eBay. No expense is spared to acquire particularly rare manuals.

Our team has also traveled extensively, visiting various caravan dealerships who have been incredibly helpful in our quest to source specific handbooks. We extend our heartfelt thanks to these dealerships.